23 entrevistas y ensayos sobre audiencias en Participations.org

Hace justo un año coordiné la publicación de un especial sobre participación y audiencias que contenía ensayos y entrevistas de varios investigadores académicos con amplia experiencia sobre el tema, dentro de una colección dirigida a diferentes públicos objetivo (académicos, periodistas, sociedad civil...).

Ahora desde la acción COST Transforming Audiences, Transforming Societies y con la colaboración de Martin Barker, hemos republicado artículos de toda la colección en la revista de audiencias Participations (vol 10, issue 1), dentro de la sección "COST - audience interaction & participation":

Introduction: Stakeholders´ essays on audience interaction and participation.

Stark, Birgit & Andy Kaltenbrunner:
'There is no such thing as a 'convergence continuum' aiming towards the perfect solution'

Stark, Birgit & Ina von Holly:
'Social media is not a threat but a reward for companies!'

Haas, Josefa:
'New tools and scenes for the media play'

Nyirő, Nóra & Agnes Urban:
'Effects of audience participation in CSO communication'

Marmino, Michele, Mario Petitto & Andrea Pinchera:
'CSOs' communication strategies and audience participation'

Joye, Stijn & Philippe Henon:
'Activating the audience in times of compassion fatigue'

Vozab, Dina, Eugen Jakovčić & Saša Šegrt:
'Croatian civil society and media from the perspective of two civil society organisations'

Harrison, Teresa:
'The "audience" as participative, idea generating, decision making citizens: will they transform government?'

Dahlgren, Peter:
'From public to civic intellectuals via online cultures'

Harrington, Stephen, Tim Highfield & Axel Bruns:
'More than a backchannel: Twitter and television'

García de Torres, Elvira:
'Audience territory'

Scolari, Carlos:
'Lost in the borderlines between user-generated content and the cultural industry'

Zamora, Rocío & Wayne Wanta:
'The influence of a mediating source – my friend – is now spreading the influence to others who may not have seen the news reports'

Vobič, Igor:
'Rethinking social life of radio news: Slovenian public radio journalists' perceptions of audience interactivity'

Krstić, Aleksandra:
'When the audience changes a journalist'

Torres da Silva, Marisa:
'Professional views' on letters-to-the-editor as a means of audience participation'

Vesnić-Alujević, Lucia:
'Online strategies of members of the European parliament'

Hänska-Ahy, Maximillian, Claire Wardle & Malachy Browne:
'Social media & journalism: Reporting the world through user generated content'

Milojević, Ana, Jelena Kleut & James Ball:
'Conversational style of journalism'

Milojević, Ana & Steve Herrmannl:
'Journalism taking up a curatorial role'

Maretić, Meri & Ante Babić:
'New political communication'

Buchanan, Margot & Fiona Hyslop:
'Transforming audiences, transforming audience expectations?'

Gallego, Manuel Javier Callejo & Convadonga Fernández:
'Producing information, producing and monitoring communication'
